by Kathy Lane | Dec 25, 2016 | Funerals
I came across a company in Seattle, Washington called Artful Ashes. They have come up with a unique way to hold the memory of a loved one – a piece of glass art. All you have to do is send them about a tablespoon full of ashes and they will turn it into art. Their...
by Kathy Lane | Dec 18, 2016 | Wills and Living Trusts
If someone in your family has died and you don’t think you’ve been treated fairly, what’s the first thought that comes into your head? Challenge the will. But you might want to think a second time before doing this. A will contest is very hard to win. It’s...
by Kathy Lane | Dec 11, 2016 | Wills and Living Trusts
The information in this article so important that we’re copying it verbatim from a Yahoo news story. Remember, if you die without a will, the state will determine who inherits. People make a lot of excuses to put off planning for the inevitable. You may be fearful...
by Kathy Lane | Dec 4, 2016 | Joint tenancy
We came across a column about a women whose husband asked her to give up the rights to their home…and 10 years later they were divorcing. The column is from The Moneyologist; it teaches a good lesson and I think you may find it very interesting. We’re publishing it...
by Kathy Lane | Nov 27, 2016 | Settle an Estate
It’s often incredibly difficult to cope with the death of a loved one. A creditor knocking on your door makes it even more difficult. Can a creditor collect a credit card debt owed by your deceased parent or spouse? There is not one simple answer to this important...
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