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Can it happen here?

A recent story from the United Kingdom talked about the rise of family feuds related to inheritance.  The number of cases – 116 – reaching the High Court in 2015 broke all past records. According to a British law firm, the rise in cases is due to the...

Are you financially prepared to be a widow?

It’s a fact that women live longer than men in every country in the world.  It’s important to be prepared and to start looking at widowhood as a when, not an if. More than one in five women 60 or older is living in poverty.  A survey of women whose partners had died...

Does anybody want your parents’ stuff?

When my father died (my mother had predeceased him), I was charged with cleaning out his condo.  There were all sorts of things stuffed in drawers and closets that I’m sure had value…but I didn’t want.  Ditto for my brother.  There was also a lot of antique furniture...