So you don’t think you need a will?
Don’t bury your head in the sand like more than half of all Americans. That’s the percentage of people who don’t have a will…and probably don’t think they need one.
Maybe you think you don’t have enough assets to make it worthwhile. Perhaps you think your spouse will automatically get everything. Or you know your children will do what’s right so you don’t have to worry about it.
Do you know who actually decides who gets what when you die if you don’t have a will? It’s the government! Yes, every state has laws that determine who will inherit your things if you die intestate (without a will). Your spouse and children will have no choice and will not be part of the process. In some states, it’s simple. Your spouse gets everything. In others, your spouse splits the estate with your children. If you aren’t married or don’t have children, your parents or siblings may be the ones who get it all. You may not want your siblings to get anything or, perhaps, you don’t want your parents to inherit. Maybe you’d prefer that the bulk of your estate goes to charity. Whatever your wishes, without a will, they won’t be carried out.
It’s very easy to draw up a simple will. There are many templates on the web or forms you can fill out for less than $100. If you have a complex estate and need to sit down with an attorney, it will cost more. However, for less than $100, you have no excuse.
Get a will drawn up today. Don’t let the government make the decision for you. You decide who inherits what when you die.
For more information about wills, go to
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