I came across a blog the other day that made a very important point. If you are in the process of divorcing and have a medical emergency, who will make decisions on your behalf?
When Lamar Odom was recently found unconscious in a Nevada brothel and was rushed to the hospital, who did the officials call? They called Khloe Kardashian. Although they are in the process of finalizing their divorce, in the eyes of the law, they are still married and unless an advance directive for healthcare states otherwise, is the person who can make medical decisions on his behalf.
Unless you just don’t care, when you are getting a divorce, it’s critical that you update your advance directive to name someone other than your soon to be spouse to decide what the doctors should and shouldn’t do if you have an accident or a sudden health emergency.
To find out more about advance care directives and planning for the end of your life, go to www.diesmart.com.
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